December 12, 2024 @ 6:30 pm
Risen from the Ashes: The Cathedral of Notre Dame after the Fire

Dr. Caroline Bruzelius brings us stories of the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris’ restoration and re-opening. Since the April 15, 2019 fire, not only has the cathedral been fully repaired, it is now cleaner than it has been in almost 800 years.  The restoration permitted historians of architecture and specialists in materials science to examine the building “up close.” As a result, they discovered more about this magnificent building and Gothic Cathedrals in general. Come celebrate the beauty of its local limestone and the design and construction.

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Dr. Bruzelius first worked on the Cathedral of Notre-Dame during the protracted cleaning of the interior of the cathedral in the early 1980’s. The close up study of the wall surfaces and molding profiles brings better understanding to  the process of constructing the biggest building of its time. A leader in Digital Art/Architectural History, Dr. Bruzelius is a founding member of the “Wired!” group at Duke University and founded Visualizing Venice.

SHS is lucky enough to welcome back Dr. Caroline Bruzelius, who writes extensively on religious architecture of the Middle Ages in France and Italy. She authored books and articles on French Gothic architecture (Notre-Dame in Paris, St.-Denis, for example) and on the late medieval buildings of Naples. Her 2014 book, Preaching, Building and Burying, explores the connections between religious practices and the impact on urban spaces and church design.