Historian Deborah Swiss will speak on January 19th about her book, The Tin Ticket: The Heroic Journey of Australia’s Convict Women. The book focuses on three remarkable survivors who were transported to Van Diemen’s Land – ordinary women who lived extraordinary lives as they triumphed over tragedy, relying on their resiliency and strength alongside friendships with one another. It also tells the tale of Elizabeth Gurney Fry, a Quaker reformer who compassionately touched their lives. In the nineteenth century, 25,000 girls and women were transported to Australia from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The British government targeted them as “tamers and breeders” following their arrest for petty theft, for pilfering small items as the only means to survive, other than prostitution. After serving punishments that far exceeded the scope of their crimes, these pioneer heroines, through sheer force of will, became the heart and soul of a new nation.
Speaker Series: Deborah Swiss
January 19, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Marion Music Hall
Sippican Historical Society